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2024-25 Cow Elk Rifle Hunt Drawing Results
The following 10 permit application numbers were randomly drawn for the October 2024-January 2025 cow elk rifle hunt from a pool of 482 applicants: 566512, 208058, 618649, 378939, 614274, 613266, 222297, 612369, 468512, 385345. All successful applicants will also be notified by mail and/or email.
Our Mission
In support of the military education and training mission, conserve and enhance the Air Force Academy’s natural resources through the application of sound science and proactive stewardship practices.
The Natural Resources program manages the forests, rangelands, wetlands, wildlife, recreational fishing lakes, and multi-use trails on the US Air Force Academy, Farish Recreation Area, and Bullseye Auxiliary Airfield. Through a Cooperative Agreement with the US Fish and Wildlife Service, a team of USFWS biologists and foresters is responsible for managing the installation’s 19,110 acres, of which more than 70% is natural open space. The staff works cooperatively with many partners, including local governments and organizations, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, US Forest Service, Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado State Forest Service, and other DoD offices. The natural resources management program has received the US Fish and Wildlife Service's Military Conservation Partner Award and the Department of Defense General Thomas D. White Award.
Call Natural Resources at (719) 333-3308 for assistance or information.
To report an issue or a wildlife sighting please go to : https://asis.maps.arcgis.com/apps/GeoForm/index.html?appid=c5212cd2b43f40c8b05ed5cb0d624213
Site updated: December 30, 2024 Webmaster: brian.mihlbachler@us.af.mil
Photo credits: Russ DeFusco, Greg Speights, Brian Mihlbachler, Steve Wallace, Colorado Natural Heritage Program (Michael Menefee)